1. We ask you to provide as much detail as you can about the symptoms.
2. We give you an estimate of the likely cost involved. [This is usually fairly close to the mark, as we know the common faults on most decks.]
3. If you decide the quote is right we will collect the device between 7pm and 9pm (free of charge on wednesday!!) and fix it as quick as possible.
4. In the unlikely event that our estimate of the cost of repair is wrong, we will contact you and discuss the problem we have discovered and resolve with you if you still want the repair done.
[There will be a nominal charge of £20.00 to contribute towards labour, collection and redelivery if you decide at this point not to continue.]
5. Once fixed, your equipment will be returned between 7pm and 9pm, (again - free of charge on Wednesday).
Collection/Delivery NOT on Wednesday between 7pm and 9pm carries a charge of £5.00 per trip.
We collect and redeliver on all days and always look to accommodate special requirements in terms of turnaround and delivery. – just ask!